Friday, November 14, 2008

Thats who I am!

I'm new to the blogging world so I'm not exactly sure if this is customary, but I figured I would let everyone know a little more about me. Since I think the rest of the world revolves around me, I will assume that the blogging world is the same way... OF COURSE you would want to know about yours truly!

Right now I'm finishing my degree in Merchandise Marketing from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. I recently moved from Huntington Beach and relocated to San Francisco, which is where I will finish up my last few quarters of school. When I "grow up" I want to be a buyer (and a mommy). Its basically me dream job. I would get paid to shop! After I have some experience in that I would love to open up my own boutique.

Things I love: music. food. my family. reading. art. jeans. clean sheets. the gospel. the beach. singing. school. musical theater. friends. hagen daz ice cream. shoes. history. babies. dresses. smell of the ocean. when the seasons change. anthropologie. prime time TV. summer nights. fashion magazines. oprah.

Things I definitely do not love:
cats. vomiting. seafood. regret. condescending people. horse people. lisa frank people. dolphin people. animal jewelry- especially if it is of a dolphin or a horse. stress. when girls dress skanky. chinese buffets.

Vices: celebrity gossip. tabloid magazines. TV. sleeping in. procrastinating.

*if any of you unsure who "horse, dolphin and Lisa Frank" people are, feel free to ask. I am happy to point some out to you.


Natalie and Boys said...

Hysterical. I am so glad you are calling people out on the horse dolphin thing. No wonder we get along so well. We are so much alike. Its like I am reading a bio on my self. Can't wait to see the tips.

Jason and Jeni said...

BRIT! I saw that you posted a link to your blog and finally decided to check it out! Im soo excited! you make me smile. and this makes me miss you soo much more! who knew that was possible!?

i love how brutaly honest you are!
miss you and love you!
PS: you still owe me a phone call!

H and E said...

Sorry for all the comments, just getting caught up on your blog. You are hysterical I am laughing out loud right now. Thanks for starting this blog!